EELISA Communities

EELISA Communities – just another fancy word for networks?

EELISA Community members share a common interest and offer or participate in learning, research, innovation and third mission activities in the European Engineering Learning Innovation and Science Alliance. By doing so, EELISA Communities contribute to a common mission that is based on solving diverse challenges. EELISA Communities are open places that embrace the inclusion of different stakeholders – academics, students, staff members and external university ecosystem players from EELISA universities.

find your community

EnCoNorm (Environment,Concepts, Norms)
32 members
The ECN-team (Paris) aims to develop in coordination with members of EELISA partner institutions a network of legal …
Engineering & Architecture responding to societal challenges, cultural heritage & common European identity (HEAR-European Identity)
55 members
Our mission is to promote an European university ecosystem to reclaim and rethink the engineering and architecture essential …
Entrepreneurship without borders
121 members
The Community will reunite people under the persuasion that one of the most strongly motivated strives the EELISA …
ERMI – EELISA Research Managers Initiative
1 member
ERMI – EELISA Research Managers Initiative – a booster of excellence among research managers in EELISA
Ethics, Social Commitment & Entrepreneurship
156 members
Our mission is to support EELISA communities in strengthening ethical values and interpersonal competencies to address global and …
European Knowledge Graph Engineer
25 members
The community’s mission is to define the requirements and the being of a European Knowledge Graph Engineer while …
Flight Tests and Experimental Models
45 members
It is our goal to develop and disseminate knowledge about Unmanned Aerial Systems for the integration in modern …
From Industrialized Construction to Near-Zero Consumption Buildings (INCO-0)
39 members
Industrialized construction is conceptually very different from the traditional construction process, which is characterized by the fact that …

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Upcoming Activities:

Tutorial of the SIG on Design Theory
Seasonal School
31 Jan 2024 - 2 Feb 2024
Augmented and Virtual Reality for Engineering
Course / Seminar
01 Mar - 28 Apr 2024
PROREMOTE – PROximity care in REMOTE areas
Seasonal schools
13 May - 17 May 2024
Deadline 1 Apr 2024
AIRONE – Artificial Intelligence and RObotics in rEality
Seasonal schools
10 Jun - 14 Jun 2024
Deadline 29 Apr 2024
AFRICONNECTIONS – Transdisciplinary approaches
Seasonal schools
24 Jun - 28 Jun 2024
Deadline 4 May 2024

EELISA is proud to be part of the European Universities, an initiative that aims to strengthen the strategic partnerships between institutions to increase the international competitiveness of European higher education.

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