EELISA Communities

EELISA Communities – just another fancy word for networks?

EELISA Community members share a common interest and offer or participate in learning, research, innovation and third mission activities in the European Engineering Learning Innovation and Science Alliance. By doing so, EELISA Communities contribute to a common mission that is based on solving diverse challenges. EELISA Communities are open places that embrace the inclusion of different stakeholders – academics, students, staff members and external university ecosystem players from EELISA universities.

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Metaverse & Sustainability
51 members
In this student community, we want to explore how the metaverse and sustainability relate to each other. Are …
30 members
The psychological health of university students plays a significant role in their academic success and quality of life. …
Pneumatic Solutions for Energy Efficiency and Sustainability in Industry 4.0
41 members
Technology must push humanity forward, toward evolution. In the third millennium, industrial processes must benefit from clean, circular, …
Quantum-aware engineer
51 members
Quantum technologies are becoming more intertwined with engineering, and the need for engineers who are ‘aware’ of quantum …
Smart Air Mobility
43 members
Efficient and effective mobility solutions are one of the critical demands of future cities. Still several challenges need …
Society Transition towards Digitalization and Energy Decarbonization
72 members
The next generation of digitalisation and energy decarbonisation is crucial for enabling economic growth and driving innovation across …
SSERIES: Science for Sustainably Envisioning Reality and Information for an Engaged Society
119 members
We wish to create a more sustainable and responsible world by promoting scientific culture. We believe that when …
STAR – Sustainable Territories through Action & Research
38 members
STAR’s mission is to train tomorrow’s experts in sustainable territorial development through an integrated approach to knowledge and …

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Upcoming Activities:

Tutorial of the SIG on Design Theory
Seasonal School
31 Jan 2024 - 2 Feb 2024
Augmented and Virtual Reality for Engineering
Course / Seminar
01 Mar - 28 Apr 2024
PROREMOTE – PROximity care in REMOTE areas
Seasonal schools
13 May - 17 May 2024
Deadline 1 Apr 2024
AIRONE – Artificial Intelligence and RObotics in rEality
Seasonal schools
10 Jun - 14 Jun 2024
Deadline 29 Apr 2024
AFRICONNECTIONS – Transdisciplinary approaches
Seasonal schools
24 Jun - 28 Jun 2024
Deadline 4 May 2024

EELISA is proud to be part of the European Universities, an initiative that aims to strengthen the strategic partnerships between institutions to increase the international competitiveness of European higher education.

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