It is EELISA’s (European Engineering Learning Innovation and Science Alliance) goal to extend higher education in EELISA institutions from teaching and learning to the proposal of solutions to current socio-technial challenges. We address this mission by building and growing EELISA Communities in which students, researchers, faculty and staff members from all institutions as well as external stakeholder are jointly active to solve their mission. The EELISA Community platform provides a pivotal environment and central tool to create EELISA ecosystems. On this platform, all EELISA Communities can promote their mission and communicate, coordinate and disseminate their educational, research and third mission activities.
EELISA Community Building Blocks:

EELISA Community Stakeholder

Entry requirements to become an EELISA Community
- Participants from at least two EELISA institutes from at least two different countries
- 3 activities/year after having applied as EELISA community:
- can include e.g. MOOCs, research symposia, hackathons, summer schools etc.
- at least one activity conducted jointly
- possible to open up already existing activities to EELISA audience
- 1 appointed speaker for each community as main point of contact
- Community name and a community mission referring to SDGs (impact-wise)
Propose your own EELISA Community
If you would like to propose your own EELISA Community, please download and fill this form and send it to
Based on your proposal, the EELISA team will set up your first basic EELISA Community page. Afterwards, you will receive editing rights to your EELISA Community and you can find basic instructions here:
Moreover, community coordinators and editors can access communication and dissemination material on the EELISA Community platform by clicking on their name and select Editor.