This activity aims to analyze Sustainable Development Goals with mathematical approaches, and to propose solutions to reach them, connecting in this way basic science and real challenges.
In a first phase, students in Mathematics, or closely related Degrees, will be divided into groups formed by students of different Institutions. The faculty members of the involved Universities will assign to each group of students a project related to one specific SDG. The groups will remotely develop the project under the supervision of faculty members.
The projects will deal with:
- Reaction-diffusion models for populations affected by climate change,
- Inclusion of climate risk in different financial instruments,
- Influence of climate change on population behavior and environment and chaos influence using fractional calculus as innovative mathematical tool for solving equations and systems of differential equations.
A short description can be found in the attached pdf file.
In the second part of the project, the teams will present their work and will receive recognition for it in a face-to-face international workshop, called 'Summathon', to be held in Madrid, on April 21 and 22, 2023. This will be a joint event with other two EELISA activities organized by SSERIES. In this way, it will be a good opportunity to meet other EELISA people and to explore future collaborations. More info about this event coming soon...

Participation requirements
Bachelor Degree, Master or Ph.D. students in Mathematics or closely related areas of the involved Universities,

Teams created for this challenge
No teams created yet