First official encounter since the community has been created
The EELISA Community for Energy Transition and International Exchange was created by students who met for the first time in Saint-Brieuc in France in October 2021 during the FAFA (Fédération des Associations Franco Allemandes pour l’Europe) congress on energy transition.
After this event, they wanted to keep in touch and pursue their relationships based on their
academic field. That’s why they established the EELISA Community for
Energy Transition and International Exchanges.
After the visit in France, the idea was that the German students show their country and share their way of living and studying
One of the major European companies with locations in Paris and Erlangen working on maintaining and modernizing nuclear power plants is Framatome GmbH. In the cycle of energy conversion, power generation is of major importance. As we all know, Europe is dependent on some resources that are not in its geographical space which generates geopolitical issues and brings some difficulties to exporting our human value around the world. For a European university alliance as EELISA, studying and thinking about how to use and produce energy in a sustainable way is thus essential.
Student Community Members are active in Academic Projects related to Energy Transition
All of our EELISA Community student members worked also scientifically on the topic of energy transition. Project works or final theses dealt with expansion and benefits of DC power grids, CO2 balances of various drive options for cars, or energy-efficient construction of houses:
- Jacopo Pasqualotto: OffGrid Energy systems in sub-saharan Africa
- Rodrigue Estephan, Clara Bachaalany: Energy efficient buildings
- Franziska Mehrbach: Measuring Corporate Carbon Footprints (CCF). Corporate
Climate Responsibility or Greenwashing? - Yara Daaboul, Michael Khairallah: Alternative gas resources (H2 production through
pyrolysis, LNG…) - Arjun Sankar: Emerging Clean Combustion Technologies
- Alexandre Moiny (ENPC): Well-to-Wheel analysis of different fuels (fossil fuels, biofuels,
hydrogen..) - Anna Metzenroth (FAU): Power Quality
- Jolan Kerrien: Environmental impacts of air conditioning systems
- Louis Freboeuf : Recycling of Batteries – Li-ion polymers in Molten salt bath
- Moritz Barta (PSL) and Ralph Bouez (PSL): impact on health of sustainable transportation
- Kayla Li: Study of SOFC components using DFT modeling
- Jonathan Löbel (FAU): Changes in the electrical grid due to the elimination of coal and nuclear power plants and a possible solution
As part of the German-French encounter, the community presented and discussed about their projects.

Feedback of participants
“This trip surpassed all my expectations in how to merge cultural, educational and social goals in one journey. In fact, I had the opportunity to know more about German life and culture through these days that we were together since we visited lots of popular places, restaurants and events. On the educational part, the exchange and visit to Framatome added to my knowledge considerable missing information about nuclear energy and its related topics like the safety in nuclear plants. To end, I’m really lucky to be a member of this unique and exceptional community and to be part of the EELISA university, this will help me significantly in my future professional career and I’m looking forward to our next projects together.”
Michael Khairallah (PSL)
“It was such a good opportunity for all of us to come together for a second time. Seeing all the people from the trip to Paris/St. Brieuc again in our hometown was a lovely experience. I am grateful to EELISA that they provide us with this chance to come together as international students who have one same goal in mind: enabling a future of clean, efficient and eco-friendly energy use. To share our common beliefs and how everybody is working towards a greener future in detail in their studies, is just enriching from a personal and professional perspective. Hope to keep up that group energy for the future!”
Franziska Mehrbach (FAU)
Future of the community
As multiple members of the EELISA community graduated recently or will graduate soon, the community is looking for new student members who are interested to grow and continue the community. If you are interested to join, please contact Christina Schwarz (FAU), Moritz Barta (PSL) or Alexandre Moiny (ENPC).